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[RPG] [さーくる亀] パラレルファンタジーIF+ / [CircleKAME] Parallel Fantasy IF Ver2.0
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Date : 2014-09Size : 476 M
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[RPG] [さーくる亀] パラレルファンタジーIF+ / [CircleKAME] Parallel Fantasy IF Ver2.0

Title: パラレルファンタジーIF+ / Parallel Fantasy IF Ver2.0
Brand: さーくる亀 / CircleKAME
Release Date: 2014/09/09
File size: 477MB

Recommended for the following type of person:
- who has a dirty mind for place names like "Pleasant Slope"
- who ticks the "sexy teacher" box for favorite fetishes
- who enjoys the eroticism of clothed sex
- who can be excited about just topless or bottomless
- who enjoys prostitutes
- who enjoys the fantasy of moral corruption
- who holds a torch for Aty from S*mmon Night

The protagonist (name customizable) is a Scholar in an adventuring world who solves various problems while teaching at a school...

* It's possible to beat the game as a virgin.

* No game over! (Except some bad endings.)

* CG credit: Roudoc2 and Takami Nao of circle Open-Air Market.

* Requires RPG Tkool VX Ace RTP (free).





・青空市場様の ろーどっく2号様と尚たかみ様に担当していただきました。

■本作品をプレイするには「RPGツクールVXAce RTP」が

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