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[イリュージョン] バトルレイパー [Illusion] Battle *r w/ English Patch (Fighting Game)
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Date : 2014-12Size : 1.27 G
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Got from a DDL here:*r-english-patch-18/

Note that this does NOT translate the story, just the menus and buttons and such.

You must be in Japanese locale or use HF appLocale to install this properly

Instructions (It's really straightforward, but some people aren't that computer literate):
Extract the archive using winrar or some other archiver

Mount Battle*r cd 1.cue using daemon tools or some other such software

Go through install process. When prompted, mount the Battle*r cd 2.cue on the same drive the first disk was mounted

Go into New Folder, there are a number of archives with patches. The only one you need to bother with is the All Patches archive unless you don't want one of the patches for some reason. No install necessary for the patches, just copy/paste them into your Battle *r directory, replacing when prompted.

This also includes a 100% save. If you don't want this, don't copy/paste zsv.pp to your BR directory.

This is a fairly old game, so if you have issues the first thing to do is try compatibility mode in Win 98/Me.

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