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Kana -Little Sister- / 加奈~いもうと~ [English]
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Date : 2015-04Size : 738 M
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Title: Kana ~Imouto~
Original title: 加奈~いもうと~
Year: Japan 1999-06-25, English Version 2002-07-02
Length: Medium (10 - 30 hours)
Developer: D.O.
Publishers: G-Collections
Language: English
Voice: Japanese


You have a sister by the name of Kana, who is 2 years younger than you are. You are an important figure to her; you have always watched over her. You have always taken care of her and loved her.
Kana is also an important figure to you.
It's not love or like, but it's something special.
You care about her a lot and you feel that you have to protect her.
You wish for her eternal happiness, but you just don't know how you feel about Kana.
Yet. . .

1. Mount Kana Little Sister.cue with Daemon Tools.
2. Install the game. For Vista and 7: open the virtual drive disk and start KANAUST.exe as administrator.
3. Keep Kana Little Sister.cue mounted and play. Music will not play if you remove the virtual image and use crack.

System Requirements:
350 MB hard drive, 32 MB Memory, Pentium II or higher processor recommended, DirectX compatible graphics and sound card.


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