Title: Maman Kyoushitsu ~Mirai no H na Obenkyou~
Original title: ままん教室~未来のHなお勉強~
Length: Medium (10 - 30 hours)
Year: Japan 2009-10-30, English Patch 2014-05-04
Developer: Swaneye+
Publishers: Swaneye+
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Loe Quality TranslationsDescription:
Kei is now looking for a job. He is in love with Honoka, his neighbor, but she is already married and pregnant. One day, he saves a man who gets injured in a traffic accident. The man asks Kei to visit the obstetrics and tell his message. Kei visits there, but the doctor mistakenly thinks him as a teacher of preparation lesson for pregnant mothers. The doctor says, "Do you like pregnant girls?" Kei quickly answers, "Yes, I love them!" Like this, he starts working there.... When he opens the door of the classroom on his first day at work, there are Honoka and other pregnant mothers....
1. No need to install prepatched version.
2. You need to change locale to Japanese.