Title: Taimanin Asagi Gaiden ~Chaos Arena Hen~
Original title: 対魔忍アサギ外伝~カオス・アリーナ編~
Length: Very short (< 2 hours)
Year: Japan 2006-01-13, English Patch 2008-08-14
Developer: Black Lilith
Publishers: Anime Lilith & Black Lilith
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Translation: Dark Translations
Anti-Demon Ninja Asagi - Chaos Arena, describes a lewd fight in the Chaos Arena that couldn't be depicted in the original Anti-Demon Ninja Asagi.
Things heat up with the addition of a new character, the Snake Lady!
The complete episode, once again, is a female ninja gang * adventure composed with H-scenes!!
1. You need to change locale to Japanese.
2. No need to install.