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[H-Games][ACT] Anthophobia [Eng/Jap]
Magnet (45)  Offline
Date : 2015-12Size : 75.9 M
No snapshot? Click me to search! Savedata Walkthrough EXHENTAI E-HENTAI
Anthophobia is side-scrolling action survivor horror.
Play as the protagonist who kept herself hidden in her apartment for three months.
Her apartment is falling apart. and water is disconnected.

Now she needs a new shelter.

1. Please test the demo before full purchase:
If the game is too slow, please go to [Option] -> [Light effect on] -> [Light effect off] and try again.
If the game is still slow even when the light effect is off, then the full version may not work as well.

2. If you are using Avast, the antivirus software, please turn it off:
Avast blocks the game sometime, this could be the reason why the game is not working.

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