This is a No DVD patch that does work for me as the other no DVD files available have not worked whatsoever, even AlphaROMdie.exe.
Uploaded for those also having issues.
Since the file is so damn small having issues seeding this... try this link to get it if the mods allow: files are:
1) KoichocoHook.exe
2) Hook.dll
Additional files added:
3) 684ca79310a9b98c76befe5f73bce26815e6e9c3cc523644 (no file extension)
4) program files\sprite\koichoco\KSC-VOICE.cct
The first two files are a must for this to work. When the KoichocoHook.exe is double-clicked it will create the two additional files in 3 and 4 listed above. What it does it tries to mimic a mounted .iso/.mdf within the game folder. However, the catch to this is that one of the files (list 4) will be 1.37GB. If this isn't an issue with you, simply wait for it to finish doing it's thing and it will automatically load the game without it bitching about inserting a DVD. Use the KoichocoHook.exe to play the game instead of the 恋と選挙とチョコレート.exe
This worked for
#151353 and should probably work for
#1879264 as well as it needs the KSC-VOICE.cct file to duplicate and mimic a mounted .iso/.mdf.
Works on the original Japanese and the English translated patch.
To uninstall, simply remove file 4 as mentioned it will create another one when you next play if space is an issue.
To uninstall completely simply remove all 4 files listed above but keep the first two files stored elsewhere.
I put the Japanese read me file here as I am lazy to translate it.