Title: Shinigami no Kiss wa Wakare no Aji
Original title: 死神の接吻は別離の味
Length: Medium (10 - 30 hours)
Year: Japan 2009-04-24, English Patch 2013-11-14
Developer: Alcot Honey Comb
Publishers: Alcot Honey Comb
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Translation: Kohaku Translations
"Is there something you want to leave behind for your loved one?"
A young boy and girl lived in a small seaside town. One day, the boy invited the girl to the sea to convey his feelings to her. However, she lost her life in an unforeseen accident. Months and years later, the boy continues to live in the place where his memories with her remain. He can't forget her, yet he must.
Our protagonist, Amamiya Makoto, spends a peaceful everyday life with his younger sister, Shizuku. One day, he meets a mysterious girl, Kohaku, who has deep blue eyes and carries a giant scythe. "Can you see me?" she asks. None of the people around him notice her. "Oh. You'll die very soon, then."
She is a shinigami.
1. You need to change locale to Japanese.
2. No need to install.