[ADV] [戯画] 姫さまっ、お手やわらかに! / [Giga] Hime-sama, Ote Yawaraka ni!
Title / タイトル: 姫さまっ、お手やわらかに! / Hime-sama, Ote Yawaraka ni!
Brand / ブランド: 戯画 / Giga
Release / 販売日: 2007/09/28
File size / ファイル容量: 1.26GB
One day, when Kenji enjoys a local festival with Chitose, Koko and Komomo, a girl, Pafin, suddenly bursts in, "I'll rule this town from now!" According to her, she is a direct descendant of the royal family. Will they be able to endure her ruling...?