[RPG] [樋渡本舗] GranEnde / [Hiwatari Honpo] Gran Ende Ver.1.04
Title / タイトル: GranEnde / Gran Ende
Brand / ブランド: 樋渡本舗 / Hiwatari Honpo
Release / 販売日: 2016/03/09
File size / ファイル容量: 70MB
* Story
Iria was a war orphan. She grew up in the countryside.
Now that she was old enough she wanted to see the world.
She began her journey but soon realized how unprepared she was.
A lone girl on a big adventure requires money and experience.
With the help of a lady named Naju, she made it to the city of Trielebe.
First she would need enough money to survive----.
It was easy enough getting work as a dungeon explorer,
but that was where things took a turn and she was involved in an incident.
* Game system
This is a quest and dungeon exploring RPG with the city of Trielebe as your base.
Many events can be seen based on Iria's reputation, appeal and lewdness.
Amid requests, side jobs and a confluence of erotic encounters,
the ultimate goal is to help Iria resolve the incident she's been drawn into.
* About H events
H events often happen in the city.
High lewdness will reveal otherwise unseen events.
Look for the heart mark when Iria's lewdness is high.
There are 34 base CGs (not counting pose art)
Requires RPG Tkool VX Ace RTP (free):