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[H-Games][ACT] Dream Buster Alice Ver.2.02 (March 2016)
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Date : 2016-04Size : 14.6 M
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* Genre
Puzzle Action Game

* Explainer
itomagoi's retro action arcade-style pixel game is an erotic, visually inspired Alice in
Wonderland with 7 kinds of enemies with individual H animations (and bukkake variants!)
spanning 10 total stages.
The game can be completed in 1-2 breezy hours of play.

* System
Controls are traditional 2D top-down directional movement.
Make use of scattered items to crush enemy units, then ravish them to the protagonist's satisfaction and clear the stage.
Specific enemy units be agitated and turned against others.
Use this to your advantage and you can create a 10+ unit orgy.

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